AlleyCorp General Partner Marshall Porter wrote Retail Tech: The Biggest Retail Problems Remain The Biggest Retail Problems, which got me thinking. Is it a lack of understanding of what the fundamentals of e-commerce are? E-commerce in its most fundamental state is a logistics system that is driven by marketing and financial analytics. Why are entrepreneurs and startups not interested in solving the cost part of profit and loss statements? Is it a lack of interest by venture capital investors to fund these companies, or does it lack domain expertise from founders who can generate 10x returns on these opportunities?
I do a fair amount of due diligence and in 2024 it has been mostly artificial intelligence companies trying to solve problems in a new manner. I understand that AI is the latest hype wave that has entrepreneurs and investors looking to cash in on and not miss out on. That said in retail and e-commerce has tangible opportunities that require technology to create new solutions for. Brands are in pain and do not have the correct tools available to them to solve inventory planning, logistics, and returns.
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