Ecommerce building blocks – articles to read and bookmark

The silence is done, my month of  absence from writing has been spent researching and working on some really exciting blogposts for the coming months. Normal service will now be returning.  You will notice that my website has had some changes done – I will be writing a post on that in the future as I am not completed with the transformation, yet.

CPCStrategy whom also has had a huge change in terms of the look and feel of their website recently wrote a cheeky article on the The 5 Best Ecommerce Articles In The History Of The Internet. Let me be honest for a moment, these articles and videos are some of the better content found on ecommerce but it points a very limited picture of the ecosystem.

In terms of a solution I thought about doing a top 10 of e-commerce posts. (These are my favorite posts written by some of the sharpest minds in the industry. Also note that I am going to post them in no particular order as the content should be read, bookmarked and returned to. That for me is the mark of good content.

  1. Ecommerce startups written by Chris Dixon. Dixon, is in my book one of the most progressive thinkers in digital and has a knack of really breaking things down to the nuts and bolts. The comments on this article is also a must read.
  2. eBay vs Amazon: decentralized vs centralized e-commerce also written by Chris Dixon. This post was written before eBay acquired Hunch where Dixon was a co-founder.
  3. Andreessen predicts the death of traditional retail. Yes: Absolute death This was written by Sarah Lacy and in short Marc Andreessen is someone I would love to meet. His thoughts are clear and have serious weight behind them. Andreessen Horowitz has an amazing ecommerce portfolio which needs highlights that they are on the pulse of ecommerce.
  4. All Markets Are Not Created Equal: 10 Factors To Consider When Evaluating Digital Marketplaces written by Bill Gurley. Let me be blunt for a minute. Finding decent content on marketplace ecommerce is difficult yet Gurley makes a great case on how to look for marketplaces and what to consider.
  5. A Rake Too Far: Optimal Platform Pricing Strategy also written by Bill Gurley. In retail and commerce what is one of the biggest variables? pricing. This article is one that I have reread a few times.
  6. Rethinking marketplaces for mobile written by Ariel Seidman. Mobile is the big opportunity that everyone is trying to figure out. Mobile is a disruptor as big as China that will need careful thought and strategy.
  7. Omni-Channel Retail: A Term So Confusing, Even Those Doing it Best Don’t Know What it Means written by Sally Mackenzie. Mackenzie is a thought leader in ecommerce whom does a great job explaining omnichannel ecommerce.
  8. Who Will Displace Amazon? One Of These 3 Will written by Suchurita Mulpuru. Mulpuru and her colleague Brian Walker (prior to his departure to hybris) were in my mind the most progressive thinkers on Mulpuru writes less these days but I consult her Forrester blog often when in need of thoughts.
  9. What U.S. E-Commerce Can Learn from Its Global Copycats written by Ken Calhoon. Calhoon is someone I found 6 months ago and I thoroughly enjoy his content. He will be a huge asset for Forrester Research.
  10. The 3rd Wave of E-Commerce Disruption: Emotional Commerce written by Jason Goldberg. Goldberg is one of the few ecommerce CEO’s that has a fairly active blog. His long form posts are a gold mine for data and insight.
  11. E-Commerce is a Bear written by Andy Dunn. This is a candidate for ecommerce post of the first part of 2013.  A must read for anyone in the ecommerce industry.
